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Honkonga foto galerija

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Victoria Harbour 2009: Colour - Like No Other
維港的精彩日落晚霞 < 畢拿山 > Magic Hour - Victoria Harbour HK
Aisle 走廊; Yau Ma Tei Police Station; 油麻地差管
R U S H --- H O U R
Slender Skyscrapers, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong 荃湾
魔幻時刻的香港島 - Hong Kong Island Magic Hour
The view to the left near Tsing-Ma Bridge, Park Island
嘉皇臺 The Palace; 廣播道 Broadcast Road
九龍寨城公園 Park of Kowloon Walled City
View from The Peak (50 Megapixel) with Peak Tram, Hong Kong
Sunset at Ocean Park
Tsing Ma Bridge, Hong Kong
Wong Tai Sin Temple#1
Mine Train rollercoaster in front of Aberdeen, Hong Kong
golden colour sun rise 今晨金晨 14.8.2010
The Three Towers from Revolving 66
銅鑼灣 - SOGO and Miss Sixty, Causeway Bay
#23 Five Trams in a row, Hong Kong
Sunlight Through the Golden Bauhinia
Chung Hom Kok Side of Stanley Bay
IF you buy her this ? She might say YES Jeff.
View to Tai Wan San Tsuen
太古城 - Cityplaza Ice Rink
Highways, Container Ports and Skyscrapers
Langham Place - Don't Look Down
Hong Kong Panoramic
Hong Kong Heritage Museum ; 香港文化博物館
Megabox Ice Rink and the Kai Tak Runway
健明邨 Kin Ming Estate
御峰(左)及曉盧(右) The Summit (left) & HighCliff (right)
紅磡 海逸豪園 Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
巴富街運動場及何文田石鼓街一帶夜景 Night Scene of Perth Street Sports Ground & Shek Ku Street, Ho Man Tin
沙田圍站 Sha Tin Wai Station
le port d'ABERDEEN
九龍灣夜景 Night Scene of Kowloon Bay
Lamma island, Hong Kong, 南丫岛
昂船洲大橋夜景 Night Scene of Stonecutters Bridge
Hong Kong container harbour
大角咀 君匯港 Harbour Green, Tai Kok Tsui
眺望秀茂坪寶達邨 Po Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping
Tsuen Wan West, New Territories, Hong Kong
葵興站 荃灣綫月台 Tsuen Wan Line Platform of Kwai Hing Station
寶康公園 Po Hong Park , Tseung Kwan O
Bến Nước (hknphotography.blogspot.com)
環球貿易廣場 International Commerce Centre (2009-01)

Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.
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Honkonga, Honkonga